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To all my lovely customers - please do not ring me - I am teaching
(days and sometimes evenings)
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Contact the author directly – Sarah Hilton:


Please email me if you have any questions, I am usually sitting at a computer somewhere 



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About the author:

My name is Sarah Hilton and I have been teaching business for over 24 years now.  I have also been a Business (and accounts) examiner for 20+ years. I have a degree in business and a PGCE in Secondary business education.  


I write all the materials in the resource packs, and I currently work as a teacher trainer, course developer, educational consultant and examiner for GCSE and A level business. 


Revisionstation is a small independent business that is written and run by me.  If you contact Revisionstation you are dealing with the author directly.  So please feel free to e-mail any questions that you have about the resources, I still teach but I will get back to you as soon as I can.


Over the years I have taught in; colleges, schools, academies and the private sector, North and South.  The resources are therefore designed to be bright, interactive and up-to-date to keep students looking up from their phones and in your direction in a range of contexts.  This puts you back in control of your classroom, you get positive lessons that you can enjoy and the students get better grades.


At Revisionstation we understand that budgets are tight and most of the money goes each year on textbooks, so one of the main aims is to make the resources very easy to use and very affordable.

How we started:

Revisionstation started out as an idea 16 years ago. I was in my friend’s kitchen having a moan and a rant about how business resources were too expensive and mostly contained text and cartoons.  I wanted visual content and up-to-date case studies.  I wanted exciting materials that would engage the groups that I had been given.


I started by writing a pack for my students for the controlled assessment, about a cheese business.  I sold this to a publishing company and after working for them for a couple of years I decided to branch out on my own – with my very own website. I won an award for the best business and economic A-Level results in the UK and since then the business has gone from strength to strength. There are now 100s of schools in the UK and overseas that are successfully using the resource packs.


Revisionstation aims to produce smashing resources for busy teachers, at affordable prices. Students today spend most of their free time looking at their phone, a smart TV or tablet.  A text book is a great resource but sometimes is less relevant in the modern classroom.  


The PowerPoints in the packs contain a range of visual materials to keep students focused in the lessons.  This combined with the worksheets means that the lesson is very structured, with lots of chunked activities, to keep the group on task.  They also allow you to update and add news items that you think will be relevant as you go through the school year. The Revisionstation twitter feed has lots of ideas about extra materials that you can use for free, from the news sites.

Great reasons to choose Revisionstation for your business teaching resources:

The packs come complete and carefully follow the most up-to-date syllabus so that you can relax and enjoy your teaching. 100s of schools are already using the resources so all their feedback has gone into tweaking the packs so they contain the right amount of resources to last you two years, all you need to do is write a scheme of work.


The packs include PowerPoints and worksheets on every topic, all you need to do to prep in the morning is print out enough worksheets for your group.  This builds into a nice bank of resources for them to revise from at exam time.  They will just need a folder to keep it all in.


The PowerPoints can be loaded onto a shared drive so that students can use them to revise or if you have a student who is absent, you can send them the PowerPoint and the worksheet, and ask that they complete it in their own time.


There are sample questions at the end of all the PowerPoints and worksheets which can be set as homework.  The sample questions can also be used in lessons for timed essay practice or consolidation – with peer marking.  This is possible because the answers are also on the slides, which can be projected onto the whiteboard once the students have finished the questions.


Packs include lots of discussion questions along the way which you can use or ignore depending on your group dynamic. Everything is very straightforward and designed in a way to help students from 9-1 to achieve their potential. Discussions are based on a range teenager friendly businesses which they will be able to draw on their own knowledge and experience and participate in the discussions. E.g. Nike, Adidas, Apple, Coca Cola, MUFC.  Students who can identify with the brands will have a hook into your lesson and be more engaged.


The worksheets that go with the PowerPoints are also designed to keep students busy busy busy and engaged in your lesson, which means less behaviour problems for you to deal with.  Every PowerPoint has a starter which means you can project it on the board while you get set up for the session.  This is ideal if you are constantly moving rooms or covering lessons.


All the resources are fully editable so you can add your own twist to lessons or even put your school logo on each slide.  These are designed to suit a range of contexts to you can change the name of the lesson objectives and the working to suit where you are teaching e.g. change the lesson objectives to success criteria.

Want just one lesson?

Please pop into my TES shop for 100s of business teaching resources many of which are free!

Join the 323,000 other happy customers worldwide using Revisionstation's lessons. 

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