I trawled through 4,000+ Tweets that I have sent and found some brilliant websites for teaching business that I have recommended and used over the years. I narrowed it down to 5 because let's face it, we are all busy people and you don't want to read my top 100 websites to teach business.
Great for teaching enterprise and an alternative to Etsy. Lots of entrepreneurs
running micro businesses on this platform.
2. Money Helper
This is the UK government advice website - so students can use this for independent research and trust the content. No bank bias. Great for teaching; national insurance, tax, self-employment - all found under the work tab.
3. Inflation
A very simple site that gives inflation rate data for different countries over time, compared. You can rule out countries by clicking on their name, so you can get a nice side-by-side comparison of two countries over time.
4. ONS
The Office of National Statistics is another government website useful for setting independent research or sending the link to students via teams. The site is a one-stop shop for up-to-date data on the UK economy.
5. iDea
Free mini-courses which are ideal for teaching training or for setting for tutor time activities.
A short list of websites that did not make it into the top 5 but may also be useful
6. McDonald's Franchising site: https://www.mcdonalds.com/gb/en-gb/franchising.html
7. Gzaas! A website that just makes giant text so you can announce something to students on a whiteboard quickly: https://gzaas.com/
8. BBC Inside the factory clips great for teaching production https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07mddqk
9. BeeBusinessBee great resources site if you are teaching BTEC Tech awards https://www.beebusinessbee.co.uk/
10. Dayuse which is a website that sells daytime in hotels, great if teaching capacity utilisation https://www.dayuse.co.uk/
If you have others that you think need to be included here please send them to Sarah Hilton at revisionstation@hotmail.co.uk