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Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business REVISION TOOLKIT
  • Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business REVISION TOOLKIT

    New for 2024

    Theme 1 revision toolkit


    PowerPoint with all the theory and lots of new practice questions and all of the answers

    Revise Theme 1 of the Edexcel A level Business

    Full of examiner tips to help students get better marks

    Pack Includes:

    1. Comprehensive Powerpoint (70 slides) packed with content including all the theme 1 theory,  this resource is fully editable so you can add in your school logo or change the examples to suit your context
    2. Essay planning sheet - in Word and PDF format so you can edit if you need to
    3. Command words sheet in Word and PDF
    4. Question and answer booklet on PED (from Tricky Topics)
    5. Question and answer bookleton YED (from Tricky Topics)
    6. Question and answer booklet on supply and demand (from Tricky Topics)


    Students work through the PPT either in class time, as a group or individually.  There are suggestions for essay content that students can use to expand into full practice essays. 

    Pick and choose the topics that you want to focus on.

    Covers the whole of Theme 1


    Please note there is no worksheet for the main PowerPoint - instead print out the pwoerpoint in 'notes pages' and use that as the guide for revision. 

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